Experts, including psychologists who specialize in body image, agree — making comments on someone’s appearance can be harmful, even if...
Ear seeding is the more than 2,000-year-old practice of sticking seeds from the Vaccaria plant onto specific points on the...
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Even the tidiest people usually have one unruly spot in their home, whether it be a junk drawer stuffed to...
As it turns out, my fear of looking like a quitter is more powerful than my fight-or-flight, so I closed...
“I started thinking that I could build an AI therapist using the ChatGPT API and tweak it to meet the...
“I woke up every morning for four days and had to ice my lips, take Benadryl, and drink lots of...
Asking for a Friend is BuzzFeed News’ health advice column. Ask us anything about your body! If you’re too afraid...
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For people who walk frequently, choosing the right walking shoe is super important to prevent your feet from aching and...